What is the delivery time & cost?
Standard Home delivery with DHL | 1-2 business days (excluding Sunday) |
€4,99 Free for members |
Standard Home delivery with Hermes | 1-2 business days |
€4,99 Free for members |
Pick up your order at a pick-up point near you: -DHL |
1-2 business days (excluding Sunday) |
€4,99 Free for members |
Pick up your order at a pick-up point near you: |
1-2 business days |
€4,99 Free for members |
Collect in an adidas Store** | 0-2 business days | Free |
Express delivery | 1-2 business days | €5,95 |
Allow extra time for personalised products. | +1-2 business days |
* Excludes personalization costs.
** Delivery time for store pick-ups vary from same day if available in store. It takes up to 4 working days if we need to replenish the article from our warehouse.
Where is my order? Visit your order details page to track the status of a recent order. If it hasn’t been shipped yet, we are doing everything to send your order asap. If you’ve received your shipping email with a DHL track and trace number, please use the tracking link within the email to get the latest information regarding your delivery. It could be possible you receive multiple packages for your order and each package has its own tracking email and link. Pre-orders and Back-in-Stock items: Please note: For articles that are temporarily out of stock, but could be pre-ordered, different delivery times apply. You can find more info here or check the estimated shipping date in your order overview page. Not home at the time of the delivery? You can be in charge of your delivery by using the tracking link from the shipping email from DHL. You could try to redirect your package to your neighbor, a collection point near you or reschedule the delivery date. What happens when there’s an address mistake or the name on the door is different? When you’ve made a small address mistake (such as a missing house number), DHL will deliver your package at a pick-up point near you. The same goes for when the name on your package doesn’t match the door nameplate. If this happens to your order, DHL will email you when and where you can pick it up. Don’t forget to bring your ID. |
Delivery Rules & Restrictions:
Public holidays & Warehouse closed
Orders placed on or 1 day before a public holiday may take longer to be delivered.